A Taste of Things to Come

I interrupt this broadcast of photos of our holiday on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal to bring you a glimpse of the future.

Err, well; what I mean is the future in terms of the forthcoming  season, I actually took the photos last Monday, the 25th of October, in the grounds of where I work.

Enjoy, winter weather  is not all bad.

Monday morning 6-1

There had been a very sharp frost, the air was perfectly still and leaves were raining down from the trees like poppy petals at the Albert Hall

Monday morning 1-1

The light was crystal clear

Monday morning 2-1

Splashes of water had glazed the  ornamental grasses.

Monday morning 7-1

and late season revellers in the flowerbed had a second blast of beauty

Monday morning 3-1

The clocks have changed*, dark evenings have descended, but there will be light.

Monday morning-1

and glorious things.

Monday morning 4-1

*we won’t mention the pickle Mr Uhdd got in with the clocks today, it may have been due to the early hour he set out for a run on the hills, or as a result of low blood sugar, but what he thought was afternoon tea was in fact an early lunch: that’s all I’m saying.