
Especially for mj, Barry Flanagan’s wonderful hares; striding out across the canal pond

Nijinski Hare -1

Leaping through the trees

leaping hare -1

The poised, Large Nijinski on Anvil Point

Nijinski Hare on Anvil-1

And possibly my favourites, the petite Empire State with Bowler- Mirrored,  a piece that is obviously appreciated by the local spiders

Bowler -1

They look so deceptively simple in close up, as if given a a pack of plasticine anyone could knock one up (oh no, I’ve just looked at last years post and I thought Damien Hursts work looked like pasticine, I think my art appreciations need s mature beyond primary school)

In previous years the Beyond Limits exhibition at Chatsworth has comprised of sculptures by many different artists and whilst I knew I would enjoy the Flannagan sculptures, I do prefer the bigger more diverse event that I’ve posted about before I’m a bit puzzled that it’s described as a ‘selling exhibition’, could so many of Flanagan’s works be for sale at once? But then  is anything is for sale if the price is right?

9 thoughts on “Nijinski

  1. mj

    Oh my – thank you! My favourite is the Nijinski hare – I’d love to have a smaller version in my garden, leaping out of the hostas or the lilies. Amazing to think the lot of them are for sale – I suspect you’d need a rather deep purse!

  2. There’s a “Leaping hare” by Flanagan in Broadgate Circus which is next to Liverpool Street station. I found it on a ramble.

    With regard to sales of Flanagan’s works, I suppose those who inherited the rights are simply cashing in their assets.

  3. I love these sculptures, they are very original. I did not know this artist – would like to see more of his works.
    The last photo is brilliant with the blurred background, the backlight – and that spiderweb!

  4. I think my favorite of the bunch is dancing on the anvil point, but they are all so joyous and fun. Also, probably “yes” about the for sale at the right price bit. 😉

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