I Must Remember, Not to Forget

Keeping track of appointments, dates and times, is not one of my strengths and this week there is so much going on it’s going to be a challenge, I just hope I don’t forget anything.

We are here, there and every where, this week. Christmas concerts, carol services, football practice,Christmas parties, the list goes on and on, I don’t think I am going to know if I am coming or going, I shall be chasing my tail.


Each Sunday night we try and draw up a list of commitments for the the week, including, who need what sports kit and musical instruments on which days, who is working where and when, who is on the school run, even who needs packed lunches, it takes an Excel spread sheet to keep us on track.

For me it all goes wrong, when I try and hold to much in my head, or if arrangements change; short term memory can be an issue, my dyslexic brain was once described as being like a book shelf, a short one; put too many books on the shelf and some will fall off the end (or maybe I simply have too many books) I loose information if I try and hold too much ‘in my head’ at once, its much better when the information has been ‘upgraded’ to my long term memory, but whilst things are swilling around in my short term memory, they are vulnerable.

I have been known to drag Mr Uhdd to the next county with me to an important meeting, only to find we were there on the wrong night (it was not a good marital moment, there was a bit of an atmosphere,in the car on the way back home) and the other night I forgot an important engagement, I was just drifting off to sleep when I remembered, I think Mr Uhdd thought the house was falling down when I let out a loud shriek and a string of expletives. It is just so embarrassing, to forget; I had to make a groveling apology to all concerned the next day.

I try and use the calendar in my phone to prompt me, but its not very sophisticated or easy to access; in the new year I shall be looking for a better way of managing things, how do other people manage their diaries? If I try the sticker on the sleeve method I mentioned here, I would end up so smothered in ‘Post-it’ notes I would end up looking like a Tibetan prayer flag, and think of the mess when I forget to remove them before putting the jumper in the wash.

I think a mobile phone that will allow me to access an online diary, is the way to go, any recommendations? In the mean time I shall just have to work hard at keeping track, tie an knot in my hankie and keep my fingers crossed

See you at the weekend, doubt there will be much blogging time to be had this week.

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