10 thoughts on “The 3rd Friday in October

  1. Wren

    Oh, my. Such breathtakingly beautiful countryside you have the good fortune to live in! And oh, my again, such a jolly little puppy you have living with you, wagging his joy into each day. His name is simply a chuckle-y, perfect fit. :o)

  2. Miss Sadie and the Cowboy cannot imagine why I am laughing so hard. They have not done anything the least bit funny in hours and hours. Oh, that Spud. Such a boy.

    The landscape is a wonder. I especially like the way the tree and the wall zig and zag. I can almost hear the music.

  3. Joss

    Yes, yes we are Spud fans here! We are still thinking of getting another dog, and today a friend suggested ‘a nice steady Springer’. I don’t know how steady Spud is, yet, but I liked the advice very much .

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