Lacking in Substance

I had a text message from Joe on Monday

‘You didn’t put any meat in my sandwiches’

Poor child, it seems he just had bread and butter for lunch. I thought the packet of chicken had ‘gone a long way’ *sigh*. Mind you it’s not always my fault, the following day both Tom and Joe went to school with out their pack-up leaving it on the work top.

It’s been a beautiful autumnal day.

Golden gate-2

It was tempting to go out the gate for a walk, but I stayed indoors with my paint pots, progress is being made.

15 thoughts on “Lacking in Substance

  1. Wait, wait – wasn’t it you who taught me to make chip butties? It was. I went and looked. Let them eat chip butties!

    And the very minute the paint pots are looking the other way, I think you should run out into the day and through that gate. Progress is important, no doubt about it, but that light, that light . . .

    1. Gerry, it is chip butties, pasties and pizza that a packed lunch is supposed to be keeping them from!!
      Today it is raining, the golden leaves are flying past the window, horizontally. So much so that paint pots look inviting (well finishing the job looks extremely attractive)

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