Five Star

We are down in the west country,  yipeeee, the lack of blog posts this week  is directly related to the lack of Internet connection. As is the lack of  an anticipated online supermarket delivery *sigh*.

The jet stream has taken the hint and headed north leaving us basking in  much welcome sunshine.  Tom’s friend  Mr H, found a starfish yesterday, when they were swimming in the  still chilly water just off the beach… A thing of beauty.

Star light star bright -1

We tried very hard not to stress the poor thing, it was held under water until I’d got the camera sorted (I love that fact a Tom, all 17 years and six foot two inches can still come bounding up the beach proclaiming, ‘Mum, Mum look what we found!’)

after a few quick snaps it was released to the bottom of the sea again.

Underneath it was a seething mass of little glistening, rippling suckers

Star light star bright  3-1

life is a beach.

Star light star bright  1-1