Fish Out of Water


Two guys out walking on the Lakeland fells? Their attire is worthy of a second glance, no walking boots, rucksack or waterproofs, yes that’s right

Divers 2

diving gear: Wastwater is England’s deepest lake, 260ft deep and a popular place for diver training.

Deep water

Here they are emerging from their natural habitat (it’s a hobby I suspect gets as many ‘you must be mad’ comments as fell running.)


They told us they usually dive to a depth of about 150ft, but that on the day we met them the visibility hadn’t been too good, due to the amount of silt stirred up by the influx of flood water  and that there was a strong current, so they hadn’t done a deep dive, but they were kind enough to stop for a photo opportunity, cheers guys.


7 thoughts on “Fish Out of Water

  1. Joss

    What must that little lot weigh?!!! Makes me feel tired just to look at them, and that’s before they’ve entered the water. Lovely pic of Wastwater at the top. I can imagine how its chilly depths feel at this time of year. But, these look like the kind of guys who wouldn’t appreciate being made cosy afterwards, under any circumstances!

  2. Dunno . . . seems like a nice invigorating dip to me. I once interviewed a multi-county dive team on Torch Lake (which, like Wastwater, is deep and cold). They were all Sheriff’s deputies and were practicing recovering contraband or wreckage or, um, “remains.”

  3. Thanks for the kind words Kim, I spent decades selling my creativity, when I was a florist, part of what I now enjoy about digital photography (my first proper hobby ever I think!) is that I photograph as it pleases me, with out a thought…. I don’t think I would want to return to worrying about the commercialism of my endeavours :)That said I shall make some calenders cards as Christmas gifts it’s very easy to do through Flickr.

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