Trees of Distinction

A wooded, ancient lane that leads down to Mill Bay.

Millbay track 3-2

It’s proved nigh on impossible to capture the magnificence of these trees (I think they are lime trees*)

Millbay track 4-2

Whilst I was faffing around with the camera, a passing walker suggested I Photoshop in some fairies to help capture the atmosphere of this special place. Another asked if I’d ever been here in the spring, when the lane if flanked by primroses, I haven’t but I’d like to see it then.

Millbay track 5-2

Ferns, mosses and badger tracks are abundant,


Spud loves it down here, in places there are steep banks, he came running off the top of one bank at full pelt, it was was about 7ft high, he hit the ground legs out, forward and aft,  but still with forward momentum, he shot straight through my stride, a fraction of a second either way, he’d have he hit me: he’d have taken me off my feet that’s for sure.


(*but don’t quote me on that, I’m on holiday, I’m not spending my time Googling trees; and look how wrong I got the bee stuff)

19 thoughts on “Trees of Distinction

  1. mrs K

    Whenever we went down a lane, where the trees met at the top, Mam would say “We are in God’s Church now”.

    The photos brought back many happy memories.

    Thank you.

  2. For our children, when they were small, a lane with trees that met over the top went under a “Fairy Bridge” so perhaps your passer by had it right. Or perhaps it was one of our family!!

  3. You have a gift for finding wooded, ancient lanes and showing them to best advantage. Fairies are all very well and good, but badgers! I long to see badgers.

  4. Absolutely magical and enchanting ~ of course fairies and their ilk abound, and the badger family, too 🙂 Your photo and comments were part of the inspiration for a poem I wrote on my website 🙂 Glad to see you continue to enjoy your vacation and share it will your readers.

  5. Egad! I spy some pictures that are going into my wallpaper file (with your kind permission!). Such scenery you have! It’s 35 C (95 F) here (Texas panhandle) just at the moment (1:30 p.m.), and these photos of cool green shade (especially the one with the gate) look so inviting. . . . .

  6. Lady, I LOVE your pictures. I’m sort of an American Brit nut. Fell in love with you folks through Masterpiece theatre and the books of Anthony Trolloppe (hope I spelled that last name correctly), and “George Eliot”, A.J.Cronin. Best regards to you and yours from North Carolina.

  7. laidbackfellrunner

    nice pictures of those trees. if they are lime trees uphill, how old would they be ???.
    they must have seen a few years go by

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