Giddy Pup

Thirty Days Wild, a post each day throughout June, something that is grounded in our wild world. This year posts are from our travels around the  north coast of Scotland and a visit to Orkney. Stand by, for lots of sky, sea, wildlife, history, Spud the dog and random musings.

TWT 30 Days Wild_countdown_02

I confess I’m a little overwhelmed by the number of photos I’ve taken, its an understatement to say that this part of the world is photogenic! So I’ll get in the groove with Spud the dog, being a little giddy on a breeze beach  (flapometer 9.7).

Star fish 4

It was here, a few miles north of Applecross we found the biggest starfish I’ve ever seen, I asked Mr UHDD to pose his foot next to it for scale (I’d like to tell you this shot is slightly out of focus to protect you from an uncensored view of a fellrunners foot, which is never a pretty sight, but actually it sloppy work on a windy beach).


It was at this moment we realised its tentacles were still moving. Now I’ve had enough drama with Mr UHDD and stinging things to suggest he move his foot fast, he didn’t need any encouragement…

Star fish 3

We think it is a Luidia Cilliaris,

Star fish 2

5 thoughts on “Giddy Pup

  1. Doug's Dad

    I trust Spud did the genetic spaniel thing and either rolled on, or at least picked up the starfish and ran around with it refusing to give it back – or was his ball just too exciting?

  2. I don’t know which photo is more delightful — Spud or the Starfish! I’ve never, every seen a starfish that big, or that –uh–floppy. I’ve thrown a starfish or two back into the water, but I think I’d be reluctant to pick that one up.

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