First Too Late

If you have meandered your way to this blog in search of all things to do with blackberries, (and many have according to my ‘search engine terms’) you are too late, it’s game over.

Because Saturday the 29th of September was Michaelmas; the official start of autumn, and, so folklore has it, the day the devil pisses on blackberries, spits on them, curses them or puts his cloven hoof on them (depending which part of the country you are from) rendering them inedible!

Well I am not sure the devil has anything to do with it, but Mother nature does; looking at our remaining blackberries yesterday, you can see they don’t look very tempting.


But other things in the garden can still pack a punch, these aptly named Michaelmas daisies for one.


And the hydrangeas


And I am rather pleased with the pink Rowan that I planted about 4 years ago.


And the sweet peas are at their best, especially on dewy mornings


And whilst I know I should have dead headed these, the pods do look rather nice.


So game over for the blackberries, and not a blackberry and apple crumble on the table, our cooking apple crop is the worst it has ever been.

I have always thought we are not in a very good location for growing apples, too high and exposed; but this years ‘quirky’ season has meant that our one desert apple tree has been laden with apples, it has not been like this for about ten years.


the only problem being that the crows like them just as much as we do; they peck the fruit, leaving them open to the ravenous wasps. (If you knew how badly I react to insect bites, you would think I was fearless in pursuit of material for my blog!!)


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4 thoughts on “First Too Late

  1. The blackberries that I walk past on the way to the station have also gone like that, but they smell so nice! It is torture to have to walk past something that smells so good, but you know is rotting on the inside and covered in car fumes on the outside 😦

    Your flowers are gorgeous! I’m very impressed with the sweet peas – I always thought that they were a summer flower 🙂

  2. As of this morning there’s still blackberries hereabouts.
    That’s a nice selection of plants in your photos. Hydrangeas are one of my favourite shrubs, I especially like the white ones. I’ll be growing Sweet peas on the plot next year.

  3. Pingback: Devil May Care | Uphilldowndale

  4. Pingback: Crab apple way | Uphilldowndale

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