The Thread of Life

I’ve been at the Whitworth Centre in Darley Dale today, it is somewhere I’ve driven past hundreds of times, but never given much of a thought to, it is a grand Victorian building (although its website is not so grand).

Joseph Whitworth invented a few things, the Whitworth Screw and Whitworth Rifle for a starters, and he was a wealthy philanthropist

As I was there in the guise of paid employment I didn’t have my camera, or the time to dawdle around collecting blog fodder. But I did take a few snaps with my phone, of the wonderful polished limestone panels that line the main corridor of the building. It was dimly lit so the quality is poor, so I’ve played about with the images to try show you the fabulous fossils in the limestone.

limestone Whitworth Centre-1

It’s like gazing into a distant galaxy…

limestone Whitworth Centre 3-1

Fossils make me think how

limestone Whitworth Centre 1-1

the human race is just a little blip in time.

limestone Whitworth Centre 4-1

The Whitworth Centre is hosting part of the Derbyshire Open Arts Festival at the beginning of June, if I can face the bank holiday traffic, I may return for a more leisurely look around.

6 thoughts on “The Thread of Life

  1. I followed all the links and once more conclude that the Victorians were tremendously complicated, here and there both. The fossil-rich panels are a pretty good example. Whitworth assuredly could afford anything, and chose polished limestone, filled with mysteries and things to think about. If memory serves, you took us to that art exhibit before and it was wonderful. I hope you do feel like going again.

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